In a nutshell


TITLE: Development of novel lacto-fermented fruit and vegetable-based products

Project Manager: Silvia Folloni (Open Fields)

Scientific Manager: Prof. Camilla Lazzi (SITEIA-UNIPR)

Starting date: 03/2020 End of activity date: 09/2022 (30 months)

TOTAL COST: 245.740,35 euro  

TOTAL REINBURSEMENT: 175.908,25 euro 

PARTNERS: Open Fields; Centro Interdipartimentale sulla Sicurezza, Tecnologie e Innovazione Agroalimentare – SITEIA.PARMA; EcornaturaSì; Vespignani Sara farm – Corte San Ruffillo; Punto Verde farm; Cà de Frà farm; Centoform.

Website European Commission – FEASR